„Educația este cea mai puternică armă pe care o puteți folosi pentru a schimba lumea” - Nelson Mandela

ianuarie 17, 2023

Rise for The World

Rise is a program that finds brilliant people who need opportunity and supports them as they work to serve others for life. The program starts at ages 15–17 and offers benefits including scholarships, mentorship, access to career development opportunities, funding, and more as Global Winners work toward solving humanity’s most pressing problems.

Everyone who applies joins a global community of leaders and gains access to free online courses and opportunities from our partners around the world.

An initiative of Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, Rise is the anchor program of a $1 billion commitment from Eric and Wendy Schmidt to find and support global talent.

More information: https://www.risefortheworld.org/apply-to-rise/?utm_source=general&utm_organization=aci&utm_medium&utm_campaign=rise3&utm_content

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