„Educația este cea mai puternică armă pe care o puteți folosi pentru a schimba lumea” - Nelson Mandela

ianuarie 06, 2023

Blue Book Traineesship


Apply for the 2023 European Commission Blue Book Traineeship Program. Each year the European Commission offers five month, paid traineeships, for 1,800 trainees. These Traineeships include positions in administrative or translation. The traineeships usually start on 1 March for the spring session and 1 October for the fall session. The main aim of these Traineeships is to trainees hands-on experience of EU policy making in a multicultural environment.

Applications for the Fall Session starting October 2023 are now open and will close on January 31, 2023. Trainees work all over the European Commission/Services/Agencies. As many of them will be stationed in Brussels, others will be working in Luxembourg and across the European Union.

For each Traineeship period, the Commission’s Traineeships Office determines the exact number of trainees to be attributed to each Directorate General, Service and Agency, depending on the budget availability and the existing conditions as well as resources.

Deadline : January 31, 2023.

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